Wednesday, July 31, 2019

An Approach to Detect and Prevent Sql Injection Attacks in Database Using Web Service

IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL. 11 No. 1, January 2011 197 An Approach to Detect and Prevent SQL Injection Attacks in Database Using Web Service IndraniBalasundaram 1 Dr. E. Ramaraj2 1 Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai 2 Director of Computer Centre Alagappa University, Karaikudi. Abstract SQL injection is an attack methodology that targets the data residing in a database through the firewall that shields it. The attack takes advantage of poor input validation in code and ebsite administration. SQL Injection Attacks occur when an attacker is able to insert a series of SQL statements in to a ‘query’ by manipulating user input data in to a web-based application, attacker can take advantages of web application programming security flaws and pass unexpected malicious SQL statements through a web application for execution by the backend database. This paper proposes a novel specification-ba sed methodology for the prevention of SQL injection Attacks. The two most important advantages of the new approach against xisting analogous mechanisms are that, first, it prevents all forms of SQL injection attacks; second, Current technique does not allow the user to access database directly in database server. The innovative technique â€Å"Web Service Oriented XPATH Authentication Technique† is to detect and prevent SQLInjection Attacks in database the deployment of this technique is by generating functions of two filtration models that are Active Guard and Service Detector of application scripts additionally allowing seamless integration with currently-deployed systems. General TermsLanguages, Security, Verification, Experimentation. Keywords Database security, world-wide web, web application security, SQL injection attacks, Runtime Monitoring changes to data. The fear of SQL injection attacks has become increasingly frequent and serious. . SQL-Injection Attacks are a cl ass of attacks that many of these systems are highly vulnerable to, and there is no known fool-proof defend against such attacks. Compromise of these web applications represents a serious threat to organizations that have deployed them, and also to users who trust these systems to store confidential data. The Web applications hat are vulnerable to SQL-Injection attacks user inputs the attacker’s embeds commands and gets executed [4]. The attackers directly access the database underlying an application and leak or alter confidential information and execute malicious code [1][2]. In some cases, attackers even use an SQL Injection vulnerability to take control and corrupt the system that hosts the Web application. The increasing number of web applications falling prey to these attacks is alarmingly high [3] Prevention of SQLIA’s is a major challenge. It is difficult to implement and enforce a rigorous defensive coding discipline. Many olutions based on defensive coding ad dress only a subset of the possible attacks. Evaluation of â€Å"â€Å"Web Service Oriented XPATH Authentication Technique† has no code modification as well as automation of detection and prevention of SQL Injection Attacks. Recent U. S. industry regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act [5] pertaining to information security, try to enforce strict security compliance by application vendors. 1. Introduction 1. 1 SAMPLE – APPLICATION Information is the most important business asset in today’s environment and achieving an appropriate level of Information Security. SQL-Injection Attacks (SQLIA’s) re one of the topmost threats for web application security. For example financial fraud, theft confidential data, deface website, sabotage, espionage and cyber terrorism. The evaluation process of security tools for detection and prevention of SQLIA’s. To implement security guidelines inside or outside the database it is recommended to access the sensitive databases should be monitored. It is a hacking technique in which the attacker adds SQL statements through a web application's input fields or hidden parameters to gain access to resources or make Application that contain SQL Injection vulnerability.The example refers to a fairly simple vulnerability that could be prevented using a straightforward coding fix. This example is simply used for illustrative purposes because it is easy to understand and general enough to illustrate many different types of attacks. The code in the example uses the input parameters LoginID, password to dynamically build an SQL query and submit it to a database. For example, if a user submits loginID and password as â€Å"secret,† and â€Å"123,† the application dynamically builds and submits the query: Manuscript received January 5, 2011 Manuscript revised January 20, 2011 198IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL. 11 No. 1, January 2011 SELECT * from FROM loginID=’secret’ AND pass1=123 user_info WHERE If the loginID and password match the corresponding entry in the database, it will be redirect to user_main. aspx page other wise it will be redirect to error. aspx page. 1. dim loginId, Password as string 2. loginId = Text1. Text 3. password = Text2. Text 3. cn. open() 4. qry=†select * from user_info where LoginID=’† & loginID & â€Å"’ and pass1=† & password & â€Å"† 5. cmd=new sqlcommand(qry,cn) 6. rd=cmd. executereader() 7. if (rd. Read=True) Then 8. Response. redirect(â€Å"user_main. spx†) 9. else 10. Response. redirect(â€Å"error. aspx†) 11. end if 12. cn. close() 13. cmd. dispose() b. Union Query In union-query attacks, Attackers do this by injecting a statement of the form: UNION SELECT because the attackers completely control the second/injected query they can use that query to retrieve information from a specified table. The result of this attack is that th e database returns a dataset that is the union of the results of the original first query and the results of the injected second query. Example: An attacker could inject the text â€Å"’ UNION SELECT pass1 from user_info where LoginID=’secret – -† nto the login field, which produces the following query: SELECT pass1 FROM user_info WHERE loginID=’’ UNION SELECT pass1 from user_info where LoginID=’secret’ — AND pass1=’’ Assuming that there is no login equal to â€Å"†, the original first query returns the null set, whereas the second query returns data from the â€Å"user_info† table. In this case, the database would return column â€Å"pass1† for account â€Å"secret†. The database takes the results of these two queries, unions them, and returns them to the application. In many applications, the effect of this operation is that the value for â€Å"pass1† is displayed along with the account informationFigure 1: Example of . NET code implementation. 1. 2 Techniques of SQLIA’S Most of the attacks are not in isolated they are used together or sequentially, depending on the specific goals of the attacker. a. Tautologies Tautology-based attack is to inject code in one or more conditional statements so that they always evaluate to true. The most common usages of this technique are to bypass authentication pages and extract data. If the attack is successful when the code either displays all of the returned records or performs some action if at least one record is returned. Example: In this example attack, an attacker submits â€Å" ’ or 1=1 – -†The Query for Login mode is: SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE loginID=’’ or 1=1 – AND pass1=’’ The code injected in the conditional (OR 1=1) transforms the entire WHERE clause into a tautology the query evaluates to true for each row in the table and returns a ll of them. In our example, the returned set evaluates to a not null value, which causes the application to conclude that the user authentication was successful. Therefore, the application would invoke method user_main. aspx and to access the application [6] [7] [8]. c. Stored Procedures SQL Injection Attacks of this type try to execute stored procedures present in the database.Today, most database vendors ship databases with a standard set of stored procedures that extend the functionality of the database and allow for interaction with the operating system. Therefore, once an attacker determines which backend database is in use, SQLIAs can be crafted to execute stored procedures provided by that specific database, including procedures that interact with the operating system. It is a common misconception that using stored procedures to write Web applications renders them invulnerable to SQLIAs. Developers are often surprised to find that their stored procedures can be just as vulner able o attacks as their normal applications [18, 24]. Additionally, because stored procedures are often written in special scripting languages, they can contain other types of vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows, that allow attackers to run arbitrary code on the server or escalate their privileges. CREATE PROCEDURE DBO. UserValid(@LoginID varchar2, @pass1 varchar2 AS EXEC(â€Å"SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE loginID=’† [email  protected]+ â€Å"’ and pass1=’† [email  protected]+ â€Å"’†);GO Example: This example demonstrates how a parameterized stored procedure can be exploited via an SQLIA. In the example, we assume that the query string constructed at ines 5, 6 and 7 of our example has been replaced by a call IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL. 11 No. 1, January 2011 to the stored procedure defined in Figure 2. The stored procedure returns a true/false value to indicate whether the u ser’s credentials authenticated correctly. To launch an SQLIA, the attacker simply injects â€Å" ’ ; SHUTDOWN; –† into either the LoginID or pass1 fields. This injection causes the stored procedure to generate the following query: SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE loginID=’secret’ AND pass1=’; SHUTDOWN; -At this point, this attack works like a piggy-back attack.The first query is executed normally, and then the second, malicious query is executed, which results in a database shut down. This example shows that stored procedures can be vulnerable to the same range of attacks as traditional application code [6] [11] [12] [10] [13] [14] [15]. d. Extended stored procedures IIS(Internet Information Services) Reset There are several extended stored procedures that can cause permanent damage to a system[19]. Extended stored procedure can be executed by using login form with an injected command as the LoginId LoginId:';execmaster.. xp_xxx;-Passwo rd:[Anything] LoginId:';execmaster.. p_cmdshell'iisreset';-Password:[Anything] select password from user_info where LoginId=†; exec master.. xp_cmdshell ‘iisreset'; –‘ and Password=† This Attack is used to stop the service of the web server of particular Web application. Stored procedures primarily consist of SQL commands, while XPs can provide entirely new functions via their code. An attacker can take advantage of extended stored procedure by entering a suitable command. This is possible if there is no proper input validation. xp_cmdshell is a built-in extended stored procedure that allows the execution of arbitrary command lines. For example: exec master.. p_cmdshell ‘dir' will obtain a directory listing of the current working directory of the SQL Server process. In this example, the attacker may try entering the following input into a search form can be used for the attack. When the query string is parsed and sent to SQL Server, the server wi ll process the following code: SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE input text =† exec master.. xp_cmdshell LoginId /DELETE'–‘ 199 Here, the first single quote entered by the user closes the string and SQL Server executes the next SQL statements in the batch including a command to delete a LoginId to the user_info table in the database. . Alternate Encodings Alternate encodings do not provide any unique way to attack an application they are simply an enabling technique that allows attackers to evade detection and prevention techniques and exploit vulnerabilities that might not otherwise be exploitable. These evasion techniques are often necessary because a common defensive coding practice is to scan for certain known â€Å"bad characters,† such as single quotes and comment operators. To evade this defense, attackers have employed alternate methods of encoding their attack strings (e. g. , using hexadecimal, ASCII, and Unicode character encoding).Common scanning an d detection techniques do not try to evaluate all specially encoded strings, thus allowing these attacks to go undetected. Contributing to the problem is that different layers in an application have different ways of handling alternate encodings. The application may scan for certain types of escape characters that represent alternate encodings in its language domain. Another layer (e. g. , the database) may use different escape characters or even completely different ways of encoding. For example, a database could use the expression char(120) to represent an alternately-encoded character x†, but char(120) has no special meaning in the application language’s context. An effective code-based defense against alternate encodings is difficult to implement in practice because it requires developers to consider of all of the possible encodings that could affect a given query string as it passes through the different application layers. Therefore, attackers have been very succe ssful in using alternate encodings to conceal their attack strings. Example: Because every type of attack could be represented using an alternate encoding, here we simply provide an example of how esoteric an alternativelyencoded attack could appear.In this attack, the following text is injected into the login field: â€Å"secret’; exec(0x73687574646f776e) – – †. The resulting query generated by the application is: SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE loginID=’secret’; exec(char(0x73687574646f776e)) — AND pass1=’’ This example makes use of the char() function and of ASCII hexadecimal encoding. The char() function takes as a parameter an integer or hexadecimal encoding of a character and returns an instance of that character. The stream of numbers in the second part of the injection is the 200 IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL. 11 No. , January 2011 ASCII hexadecimal encoding of the strin g â€Å"SHUTDOWN. † Therefore, when the query is interpreted by the database, it would result in the execution, by the database, of the SHUTDOWN command. References: [6] f. Deny Database service This attack used in the websites to issue a denial of service by shutting down the SQL Server. A powerful command recognized by SQL Server is SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT [19]. This causes the server to shutdown, immediately stopping the Windows service. After this command has been issued, the service must be manually restarted by the administrator. select password from user_info whereLoginId=';shutdown with nowait; –‘ and Password='0' The ‘–‘ character sequence is the ‘single line comment' sequence in Transact – SQL, and the ‘;' character denotes the end of one query and the beginning of another. If he has used the default sa account, or has acquired the required privileges, SQL server will shut down, and will require a restart in order to f unction again. This attack is used to stop the database service of a particular web application. Select * from user_info where LoginId=’1;xp_cmdshell ‘format c:/q /yes ‘; drop database mydb; –AND pass1 = 0 This command is used to format the C: drive used by the ttacker. 2. Related Work There are existing techniques that can be used to detect and prevent input manipulation vulnerabilities. 2. 1 Web Vulnerability Scanning Web vulnerability scanners crawl and scan for web vulnerabilities by using software agents. These tools perform attacks against web applications, usually in a black-box fashion, and detect vulnerabilities by observing the applications’ response to the attacks [18]. However, without exact knowledge about the internal structure of applications, a black-box approach might not have enough test cases to reveal existing vulnerabilities and also have alse positives. 2. 2 Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Valeur and colleagues [17] propose the use of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to detect SQLIA. Their IDS system is based on a machine learning technique that is trained using a set of typical application queries. The technique builds models of the typical queries and then monitors the application at runtime to identify queries that do not match the model in that it builds expected query models and then checks dynamically-generated queries for compliance with the model. Their technique, however, like most techniques based on learning, can generate large umber of false positive in the absence of an optimal training set. Su and Wassermann [8] propose a solution to prevent SQLIAs by analyzing the parse tree of the statement, generating custom validation code, and wrapping the vulnerable statement in the validation code. They conducted a study using five real world web applications and applied their SQLCHECK wrapper to each application. They found that their wrapper stopped all of the SQLIAs in their attack set without g enerating any false positives. While their wrapper was effective in preventing SQLIAs with modern attack structures, we hope to shift the focus rom the structure of the attacks and onto removing the SQLIVs. 2. 3 Combined Static and Dynamic Analysis. AMNESIA is a model-based technique that combines static analysis and runtime monitoring [1][7]. In its static phase, AMNESIA uses static analysis to build models of the different types of queries an application can legally generate at each point of access to the database. In its dynamic phase, AMNESIA intercepts all queries before they are sent to the database and checks each query against the statically built models. Queries that violate the model are identified as SQLIA’s and prevented from executing on the database.In their evaluation, the authors have shown that this technique performs well against SQLIA’s. The primary limitation of this technique is that its success is dependent on the accuracy of its static analysis f or building query models. Certain types of code obfuscation or query development techniques could make this step less precise and result in both false positives and false negatives Livshits and Lam [16] use static analysis techniques to detect vulnerabilities in software. The basic approach is to use information flow techniques to detect when tainted input has been used to construct an SQL query. These ueries are then flagged as SQLIA vulnerabilities. The authors demonstrate the viability of their technique by using this approach to find security vulnerabilities in a benchmark suite. The primary limitation of this approach is that it can detect only known patterns of SQLIA’s and, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL. 11 No. 1, January 2011 because it uses a conservative analysis and has limited support for untainting operations, can generate a relatively high amount of false positives. Wassermann and Su propose an approach that uses stati c analysis combined with automated reasoning to verify that he SQL queries generated in the application layer cannot contain a tautology [9]. The primary drawback of this technique is that its scope is limited to detecting and preventing tautologies and cannot detect other types of attacks. 3. Proposed Technique This Technique is used to detect and prevent SQLIA’s with runtime monitoring. The solution insights behind the technique are that for each application, when the login page is redirected to our checking page, it was to detect and prevent SQL Injection attacks without stopping legitimate accesses. Moreover, this technique proved to be efficient, imposing only a low overhead on the Web pplications. The contribution of this work is as follows: A new automated technique for preventing SQLIA’s where no code modification required, Webservice which has the functions of db_2_XMLGenrerator and XPATH_ Validator such that it is an XML query language to select specific part s of an XML document. XPATH is simply the ability to traverse nodes from XML and obtain information. It is used for the temporary storage of sensitive data’s from the database, Active Guard model is used to detect and prevent SQL Injection attacks. Service Detector model allow the Authenticated or legitimate user to access the web applications.The SQLIA’s are captured by altered logical flow of the application. Innovative technique (figure:1) monitors dynamically generated queries with Active Guard model and Service Detector model at runtime and check them for compliance. If the Data Comparison violates the model then it represents potential SQLIA’s and prevented from executing on the database. This proposed technique consists of two filtration models to prevent SQLIA’S. 1) Active Guard filtration model 2) Service Detector filtration model. The steps are summarized and then describe them in more detail in following sections. a. Active Guard Filtration Mod elActive Guard Filtration Model in application layer build a Susceptibility detector to detect and prevent the Susceptibility characters or Meta characters to prevent the malicious attacks from accessing the data’s from database. b. Service Detector Filtration Model Service Detector Filtration Model in application layer validates user input from XPATH_Validator where the Sensitive data’s are stored from the Database at second 201 level filtration model. The user input fields compare with the data existed in XPATH_Validator if it is identical then the Authenticated /legitimate user is allowed to proceed. c. Web Service LayerWeb service builds two types of execution process that are DB_2_Xml generator and XPATH_ Validator. DB_2_Xml generator is used to create a separate temporary storage of Xml document from database where the Sensitive data’s are stored in XPATH_ Validator, The user input field from the Service Detector compare with the data existed in XPATH_ Val idator, if the data’s are similar XPATH_ Validator send a flag with the count iterator value = 1 to the Service Detector by signifying the user data is valid. Procedures Executed in Active Guard Function stripQuotes(ByVal strWords) stripQuotes = Replace(strWords, â€Å"‘†, â€Å"†Ã¢â‚¬ ) Return stripQuotesEnd Function Function killChars(ByVal strWords) Dim arr1 As New ArrayList arr1. Add(â€Å"select†) arr1. Add(â€Å"–â€Å") arr1. Add(â€Å"drop†) arr1. Add(â€Å";†) arr1. Add(â€Å"insert†) arr1. Add(â€Å"delete†) arr1. Add(â€Å"xp_†) arr1. Add(â€Å"‘†) Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To arr1. Count – 1 strWords = Replace(strWords, arr1. Item(i), â€Å"†, , , CompareMethod. Text) Next Return strWords End Function IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL. 11 No. 1, January 2011 202 Figure 2: proposed Architecture Procedures Executed in Service D etector navi. Compile(â€Å"/Main_Tag/Details[LoginId='† & userName & â€Å"‘ and Password=† & Password & â€Å"]†) _Public Sub Db_2_XML() adapt=New SqlDataAdapter(â€Å"select LoginId,Password from user_info†, cn) Dim nodes As XPathNodeIterator = navi. Select(expr) Dim count2 As Integer = nodes. Count. ToString() Return count2 dst = New DataSet(â€Å"Main_Tag†) End Function adapt. Fill(dst, â€Å"Details†) dst. WriteXml(Server. MapPath(â€Å"XML_DATAXML_D ATA. xml†)) End Sub Procedures Executed in Web Service _ Public Function XPath_XML_Validation(ByVal userName As String, ByVal Password As Integer) As Integer Dim xpathdoc As New XPathDocument(Server. MapPath(â€Å"XML_DATAX ML_DATA. xml†)) Dim navi As XPathNavigator = xpathdoc. CreateNavigator() Dim expr As XPathExpression = . Identify hotspot This step performs a simple scanning of the application code to identify hotspots. Each hotspot will be verified with the Active Server to remove the susceptibility character the sample code (figure: 2) states two hotspots with a single query execution. (In . NET based applications, interactions with the database occur through calls to specific methods in the System. Data. Sqlclient namespace, 1 such as Sqlcommand- . ExecuteReader (String)) the hotspot is instrumented with monitor code, which matches dynamically generated queries against query models. If a generated query is matched with Active Guard, then it is onsidered an attack. 3. 1 Comparison of Data at Runtime Monitoring When a Web application fails to properly sanitize the parameters, which are passed to, dynamically created SQL statements (even when using parameterization techniques) it is possible for an attacker to alter the construction of back-end SQL statements. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL. 11 No. 1, January 2011 When an attacker is able to modify an SQL statement, the statement will execute with t he same rights as the application user; when using the SQL server to execute commands that interact with the operating system, the rocess will run with the same permissions as the component that executed the command (e. g. , database server, application server, or Web server), which is often highly privileged. Current technique (Figure: 1) append with Active Guard, to validate the user input fields to detect the Meta character and prevent the malicious attacker. Transact-SQL statements will be prohibited directly from user input. For each hotspot, statically build a Susceptibility detector in Active Guard to check any malicious strings or characters append SQL tokens (SQL keywords and operators), delimiters, or string tokens to the legitimate command.Concurrently in Web service the DB_2_Xml Generator generates a XML document from database and stored in X_PATH Validator. Service Detector receive the validated user input from Active Guard and send through the protocol SOAP (Simple Obj ect Access Protocol) to the web service from the web service the user input data compare with XML_Validator if it is identical the XML_Validator send a flag as a iterator count value = 1 to Service Detector through the SOAP protocol then the legitimate/valid user is Authenticated to access the web application, If the data mismatches the XML_Validator send a flag as a count alue = 0 to Service Detector through the SOAP protocol then the illegitimate/invalid user is not Authenticated to access the web application. In figure 3: In the existing technique query validation occur to validate a Authenticated user and the user directly access the database but in the current technique, there is no query validation . From the Active Guard the validated user input fields compare with the Service Detector where the Sensitive data is stored, db_2_XML Generator is used to generate a XML file and initialize to the class XPATH document the instance Navigator is used to search by using cursor in the selected XML document.With in the XPATH validator, Compile is a method which is used to match the element with the existing document. The navigator will be created in the xpathdocument using select method result will be redirected to the XPATH node iterator. The node iterator count value may be 1 or 0, If the flag value result in Service Detector as 1 then the user consider as Legitimate user and allowed to access the web application as the same the flag value result in Service Detector as 0 then the user consider as Malicious user and reject/discard from accessing the web application If the script builds an SQL query by concatenating hard-coded trings together with a string entered by the user, As long as injected SQL code is syntactically correct, tampering cannot be detected programmatically. String concatenation is the primary point of entry for script injection Therefore, 203 we Compare all user input carefully with Service Detector (Second filtration model). If the user input and Sensitive data’s are identical then executes constructed SQL commands in the Application server. Existing techniques directly allows accessing the database in database server after the Query validation. Web Service Oriented XPATH Authentication Technique does not allow directly to ccess database in database server. 4. EVALUATIONS The proposed technique is deployed and tried few trial runs on the web server. Table 1: SQLIA’S Prevention Accuracy SQL Injection Types Unprotected Protected 1. TAUTOLOGIES Not Prevented Prevented 2. PIGGY BACKED QUERIES Not Prevented Prevented 3. STORED PROCEDURE Not Prevented Prevented 4. ALTERNATIVE ENCODING Not Prevented Prevented 5. UNION Not Prevented Prevented Table 2: Execution Time comparison for proposed technique Total Number of Entries in Database Execution Time in Millisecond Existing Proposed Technique Technique 1000 1640000 46000 2000 1420000 93000 3000 1040000 6000 4000 1210000 62000 5000 1670000 78000 6000 1390000 107000 T he above given table 2 illustrate the execution time taken for the proposed technique with the existing technique. 4. 1 SQLIA Prevention Accuracy Both the protected and unprotected web Applications are tested using different types of SQLIA’s; namely use of Tautologies, Union, Piggy-Backed Queries, Inserting additional SQL statements, Second-order SQL injection and various other SQLIA s. Table 1 shows that the proposed technique prevented all types of SQLIA s in all cases. The proposed technique is thus a secure and robust solution to defend against SQLIA’sIJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL. 11 No. 1, January 2011 204 4. 2 Execution Time at Runtime Validation The runtime validation incurs some overhead in terms of execution time at both the Web Service Oriented XPATH Authentication Technique and SQL-Query based Validation Technique. Taken a sample website ETransaction measured the extra computation time at the query validation, th is delay has been amplified in the graph (figure: 4 and figure:5) to distinguish between the Time delays using bar chart shows that the data validation in XML_Validator performs better than query validation.In Query validation(figure:5) the user input is generated as a query in script engine then it gets parsed in to separate tokens then the user input is compared with the statistical generated data if it is malicious generates error reporting. Web Service Oriented XPATH Authentication Technique (figure: 4) states that user input is generated as a query in script engine then it gets parsed in to separate tokens, and send through the protocol SOAP to Susceptibility Detector, then the validated user data is sequentially send to Service Detector through the protocol SOAP then the user input is ompared with the sensitive data, which is temporarily stored in dataset. If it is malicious data, it will be prevented otherwise the legitimate data is allowed to access the Web application. 5. C ONCLUSION SQL Injection Attacks attempts to modify the parameters of a Web-based application in order to alter the SQL statements that are parsed to retrieve data from the database. Any procedure that constructs SQL statements could potentially be vulnerable, as the diverse nature of SQL and the methods available for constructing it provide a wealth of coding options. 1800000 Execution time in Milli Sec 1600000 1400000 1200000 000000 Proposed Technique Existing Technique 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Total Number of Entries in Database Figure4: Execution Time comparison for proposed technique (data validation in X-path) with existing technique The primary form of SQL injection consists of direct insertion of code into parameters that are concatenated with SQL commands and executed. This technique is used to detect and prevent the SQLI flaw (Susceptibility characters & exploiting SQL commands) in Susceptibility Detector and prevent the Susceptibility att acker Web Service Oriented XPATH Authentication Technique hecks the user input with valid database which is stored separately in XPATH and do not affect database directly then the validated user input field is allowed to access the web application as well as used to improve the performance of the server side validation This proposed technique was able to suitably classify the attacks that performed on the applications without blocking legitimate accesses to the database (i. e. , the technique produced neither false positives nor false negatives). These results show that our technique represents a promising approach to countering SQLIA’s and motivate further work in this irection References [1] William G. J. 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Anley, â€Å"Advanced SQL Injection In SQL Server Applications,† White paper, Next Generation Security Software Ltd. , 2002. [7] W. G. J. Halfond and A. Orso, â€Å"Combining Static Analysis and Runtime Monitoring to Counter SQL Injection Attacks,† 3rd International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis, 2005, pp. – 7 [8] Z. Su and G. Wassermann, â€Å"The Essence of Command Injection Attacks in Web Applications,† 33rd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 2006, pp. 372-382. [9] G. Wassermann and Z. Su. An Analysis Framework for Security in Web Applications. In Proceedings of the FSE Workshop on Specification and Verification of componentBased Systems (SAVCBS 2004), pages 70–78, 2004. [10] P. Finnigan, â€Å"SQL Injection and Oracle – Parts 1 & 2,† Technical Report, Security Focus, November 2002. http://securityfocus. com/infocus/1644 [11] F. Bouma, â€Å"Stored Procedures are Bad, O’kay,† Technical report,Asp. Net Weblogs, November 2003. http://weblogs. asp. net/fbouma/archive/2003/11/18/38178. as px. [12] E. M. Fayo, â€Å"Advanced SQL Injection in Oracle Databases,† Technical report, Argeniss Information Security, Black Hat Briefings, Black Hat USA, 2 005. [13] C. A. Mackay, â€Å"SQL Injection Attacks and Some Tips on How to Prevent them,† Technical report, The Code Project, January 2005. http://www. codeproject. com/cs/database/ qlInjectionAttacks. asp. [14] S. McDonald. SQL Injection: Modes of attack, defense, and why it matters. White paper, GovernmentSecurity. org, April 2002. http://www. governmentsecurity. rg/articles/SQLInjectionM odesofAttackDefenceandWhyItMatters. php [15] S. Labs. SQL Injection. White paper, SPI Dynamics, Inc. ,2002. http://www. spidynamics. com/assets/documents/Whitepaper SQLInjection. pdf. [16] V. B. Livshits and M. S. Lam. Finding Security Errors in Java Programs with Static Analysis. In Proceedings of the 14th Usenix Security Symposium, pages 271–286, Aug. 2005. [17] F. Valeur and D. Mutz and G. Vigna â€Å"A Learning-Based Approach to the Detection of SQL Attacks,† In Proceedings of the Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA), July 20 05. [18] Kals, S. Kirda, E. , Kruegel, C. , and Jovanovic, N. 2006. SecuBat: a web vulnerability scanner. In Proceedings of the 205 15th International Conference on World Wide Web. WWW '06. ACM Press, pp. 247-256. [19] Sql injection – HSC Guides – Web App Security Written by Ethical Hacker sunday, 17 February 2008. http://sqlinjections. blogspot. com/2009/04/sql-injection-hscguides-web-app. html. Prof. E. Ramaraj is presently working as a Technology Advisor, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India on lien from Director, computer centre at Alagappa university, Karaikudi. He has 22 years teaching experience and 8 years esearch experience. He has presented research papers in more than 50 national and international conferences and published more than 55 papers in national and international journals. His research areas include Data mining, software engineering, database and network security. B. Indrani received the B. Sc. degree in Computer Science, in 2002; t he M. Sc. degree in Computer Science and Information Technology, in 2004. She had completed M. Phil. in Computer Science. She worked as a Research Assistant in Smart and Secure Environment Lab under IIT, Madras. Her current research interests include Database Security.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Garden Report Essay

The Garden Depot, a family-owned floral company, carries a larger variety of floral, gardening and lawn-care products with sales and profits growing. Janice bowman has 13 years of operational knowledge in the industry as office manager in the company. She is responsible for inventory management, computer system management and logistics. Derek Sinclair, the son-in-law of the Depot owner, is the landscaping manager with no experience in management. However, the operation is not smooth in the organization that faced several issues such as lobar force, communication and synchronization. They both have responsibility for the depot, and have to get rid of problems to benefit the company. The company did not have enough permanent skillful and reliable workforce, but only seasonal employees, therefore 50 landscaping jobs could be completed each year, which were fewer than what was demanded. Most of employees were part-time student workers lacking of experience. In addition, a family member who had poor and inappropriate leadership was appointed as landscaping manager. And his irresponsible attitude might have bad impact on moral of stuff. Furthermore, the job responsibilities were not defined, and there were no specialized department to solve the specific problems. The improper recruitment and lack of supervision cause the organization attained unstable and unreliable workforce. This demonstrates a lack of fit between organization process and people as police for recruiting and supervising employees. Moreover, Sinclair had low expertise knowledge on landscaping area, which resulted that he could not answer the customers’ specific question, and he had no qualification and business handling capabilities to solve complex issue. This follows EOPT theory because there is a lack of fit between people and tasks. Whereas having no job description and departmentalization in the organization resulted in the consequence that employees confused about their job. This applies to EOPT theory because there is a lack of fit between organization structure and people. The goal for the Garden Depot is to establish stable and reliable workforces to increase work proficiency. In long term, the organization should ensure job responsibilities defined in every level of the organization, and deploy individual departments to solve any problems to make customers happy. The first alternative is to reevaluate all the stuff and build a formal appraisal system to supervise employee’s performances, which can help the company to build a stable and reliable workforce. The second alternative will be training Sinclair be a competent manager. If the company wants to keep Sinclair as the landscaping manager, this action alternative is necessary. The last alternative course of action is to create a proper job description and deploy specific departments such as HR department, marketing department, customers departments and inventory departments in order to solve the related issues. The best alternative is to create a formal job description and divide specific departments. First, Sampson should divide the whole organization into four departments HR department, marketing department, inventory department and customer services department. Next, creating job description for every position should be done as soon as possible. Then department supervisors ought to reevaluate employees and put them in the right departments depending on their specialty. Finally, the department supervisor should hand in a process report to managers every month to show their work. If Departmentalization causes lack of communication among individual departments, general manager should have a meeting with all department supervisors once a week.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Native Americans & Christopher Columbus Essay

Indubitably, the acts made upon Indians for the sake of progress were atrocious. Brutal and cruel murders of millions of Indian peoples resound to this day. Their populations may never recover from such an incredible loss; the past can be ignored but never erased. However, we as Americans, celebrate Christopher Columbus day with joy. We think only of ‘The Founding of America’ and not by the means of which our country was constructed. To Indians everywhere this holiday is simply a remembrance of the murder, torture, rape, and enslavement of their people that last hundreds of years. So why do we celebrate such an insidious act? Because we justify the imposition of others for the sake of human progress. However is this tactic progressive at all? When Zinn writes â€Å"If there are necessary sacrifices to be made for human progress, is it not essential to hold to the principle that those to be sacrificed must make the decision themselves? † he is simply asking if there is something to be lost for the gain of progress, shouldn’t the ones who are to lose make the decision to be the â€Å"necessary sacrifice†. Indeed, I believe that if the imposed party were given the choice to either be sacrificed or not, for even the sake of progress, they would not be willing. Its basic human nature, self preservation, and so the majority of people, I feel would not be logically able to make such a choice. Therefore, yes, I do believe that until people as a whole are able to make peaceful resolution and keep their word, that necessary sacrifices must be made but with only with the heaviest of heart. No one can refute that the destruction of the Native Americans and their homes was a terrible time in history that should not be repeated. I feel the genocide of these Indians was necessary to get where we are as humans today. If the Spaniards and other conquerors had led peaceful resolutions the United States would neither function, nor geographically look the same as it does today. We cannot say what a peaceful relationship between foreigners and the Native Americans could have brought, for we did not experience it and must only rely on what we know. What we know is, though terrible, the deaths of those people have brought us to the modern face of America and all the technological advances that have been achieved with it. This should not be celebrated with holidays such as Christopher Columbus Day, for it was indeed only the beginning of mass extinction for the American Indian and should only be respected for the many souls that lost their life for the sake of â€Å"human progress†. From my perspective the Columbian exchange should be viewed in a negative light. This occurrence in history has most often had a positive connotation attached to it; however, the murder of millions should never be looked upon as a positive. Crops, animals, diseases and culture were traded among the Indians and foreigners. Many of which made the America’s desirable to be cultivated and populated. It is for these reasons that historians typically categorize this event as a positive instead of the damaging situation it was. History is as said, history. We cannot alter it to suite our present or future; however we can learn from it. Humans as a whole will continue on making mistakes, minor and major, tense and bloody but the Columbian Exchange has taught Americans that they cannot repeat his occurrence in any shape form or fashion. Peaceful resolution should be met if possible, if not reached, then may with the most apprehension and fear, should war be approached. Native American numbers may never recover but we will no longer make them suffer.


MODERNISM THROUGH ARNE JACOBSENS EGG CHAIR - Essay Example The Egg Chair Designed by Arne Jacobsen The renowned Danish designer and architect Arne Jacoben designed the Egg Chair. Initially it was upholstered in red leather, but is now available in various colours including black leather, as well as in different fabrics. â€Å"The egg chair has a bowl-shaped body which serves as its seat, back, and armrests; and a short, metal base† (Squidoo, 2011). Because the chairs were commissioned for the SAS Royal Hotel, a skyscraper designed by Jacobsen, the rounded appearance of the egg chair was meant to complement the hotel’s simple linear construction (Figs. 1 and 2). Fig.1. Arne Jacobsen’s Egg Chair Upholstered in Red Leather (ModernClassic, 2003) Fig.2. Jacobsen’s Egg Chair Covered with Fabric Upholstery (Squidoo, 2011) The unique shape of the Egg Chair (Figs. 1 and 2 ) is built using a light plaster shell injected with cold synthetic foam to make it more comfortable. The body is then upholstered with leather or fabric , and fitted at the bottom with a steel spindle and swivel, and a molded aluminium 4-star base. There is also a simple adjustment mechanism which helps to raise or lower the chair. The Egg Chair being composed of mainly plaster and leather/ fabric, is significantly light with an overall weight of 18 pounds. Modern Egg Chairs manufactured today are constructed of a lighter plastic shell that is injected with cold foam, they are then covered with high quality leather, and lightweight aluminium legs are attached at the bottom (Squidoo, 2011). Though the Egg Chair has a distinctive design, it shares great similarities with the Swan Chair, also designed for the SAS Royal Hotel. The Egg is also closely... Jacobsen designed and launched the â€Å"egg chair† between 1957 and 1958, along with the Swan chair. He was commissioned to design chairs for the reception areas of the Royal Hotel in Copenhagen, for which he designed the â€Å"egg chair†. Over fifty years later â€Å"the hotel still boasts egg chairs within its reception areas – a testament to the original design masterpiece† (Urbanark, 2011). The modernist design of the egg chair has simple, functional lines, and is composed of minimalistic and abstract features. Modernism is a historical tradition of design form established in the nineteenth century which was initially based on inculcating aesthetic taste to the general public. Greenhalgh (p.19) states that this approach could lead to a kind of â€Å"dictatorial determinism which ultimately came to be the most extreme of the contradictions that existed within the Modernist Movement†. Modernism is marked by its restrictive nature. In Modernist circles there was an aversion to consumption. Consequently, this resulted in the creation of the modernist austere aesthetics which stripped design down to its key components, not inviting needless consumerism. This paper has highlighted Arne Jacobsen’s Egg Chair, examined its modernist characteristics, and explored historical factors based on modernist functionalism and mass culture, inherent to the Egg Chair and its design. The highly functional and comfortable chair continues to be popular in contemporay times more than fifty years after it was designed and developed.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Describe your personal, professonal, and academic experience that you Essay

Describe your personal, professonal, and academic experience that you desmontrate why would be a good indicate for business job - Essay Example That was when I made my life-changing decision to leave everything I knew behind me and set off for the city, where education could be had by anyone willing to put in the effort. Through moving, I have learned various ways in which my personal, professional and academic life can help me in a business setting. When I moved from my home, I didn’t know anyone and had no one to depend on but myself. I went to the hotel where I had reserved a room for a week and then went to the church. I’m not entirely sure why I did this, but I think I had some idea in my head that the church would help me find my way as it had always done back home. However, I discovered that city churches have far too many members to be concerned about one lonely young person walking in their midst. There was no one there ready and happy to take on what they saw as a ‘free-loading’ college student no matter how much I insisted that I intended to contribute. My next stop was the college, where I learned what I would need to do to gain entrance to the classes I would need. The lady in the financial aid office was very kind and gave me a sort of blueprint to follow regarding how to get started in my new life. She helped me find a home with a room to lease and showed me how to look for jobs. From th e business sense I had gained organizing the kids back home, I quickly learned how to earn money, pay my own way and fend for myself in the concrete jungle. Part of learning to fend for myself depended on another new skill I developed which was making friends or networking. Making friends in a new place wasn’t the same as making friends in a place where everyone knows everyone else. Like getting settled, I wasn’t really sure how to go about doing this in my new home. Where I came from, you usually waited for an introduction to someone new from someone you’ve known before you can start talking to strangers. I didn’t know

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Structure of the Legal Profession in the United Kingdom Term Paper

Structure of the Legal Profession in the United Kingdom - Term Paper Example Functionally, the legal profession in the UK is divided into two separate disciplines of barristers and solicitors. In England and Wales, solicitors outnumber barristers eight to one. Solicitors work behind the desk advising and preparing cases for the clients, whereas barristers represent the cases in the courts. Although diverse, the functions of solicitors and barristers are like two sides of the same coin. The basic qualifications necessary for these two branches are the same. It is only after graduation that those wishing to enter the profession as solicitors have to complete a Legal Practice Course according to the requirement of the Law Society, and those choosing to be barristers have to complete Bar Vocational Course franchised by the General Council of the Bar. Both these courses are of one-year duration. (Legal Education in the United Kingdom) Barristers have the right of audience in the Supreme Court and in all other courts, and they specialize in the different area of operations.   Some barristers may specialize in concerning criminal law, while others may be experts in civil cases. Even within the criminal and civil divisions, there may be sub-divisions. For instance, one barrister may specialize in homicidal matters and another may practice on issues concerning fraud, etc. For the ordinary citizen, solicitors are the first point of contact for legal advice and opinion. The solicitors may then advise the litigant on the appropriate barrister who could pursue the case in a court of law. There is yet one more branch of notaries who are small compared to barristers and solicitors. Notaries are authorized to perform functions such as attestations, authentication, administration of oaths, and other legal roles that are not of the litigious nature.   With the complexity of modern times in social, economic, environment and human rights affairs, together with greater awareness of the general citizenry of the legal opportunities available to them, solicitors and barristers have increasing professional challenges. Solicitors and barristers need each other as they perform complementary roles for one another.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Management Strategies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management Strategies - Assignment Example This is because the opinions and the level of exposure to an industry vary with the individual. The study also elaborates how managers in other fields can fit in the management of unfamiliar fields by applying universally adapting strategies. Managers, therefore, emerge as resourceful personnel if they have a wide scope of experience rather than being centralized to one line of thinking. When Barnevick was chief executive officer at ABB, profitability was based on acquisition of firms as a means of diversity to enhance the competitiveness. The plan worked well for the firm noting the changes in profitability and the return on capital. The maxim on ‘thinking Global while acting local’ relieved massively on acquiring firms which had local impact in their respective regions. The products offered were standardized for the markets, hence global. This is evidenced by the fact that some were being exported to other areas such as Africa. While dealing with global products, the f irm was profitable. The down trend in ABB started after the change of management when Barnevick stepped down as CEO. The scenario explains the consequence of change in management in an organization. It expresses the need to hire leaders who can impart continuity in the operation. The close down of Combustion engineering was a case poor market choice. It expresses the need to research extensively before carrying out an investment. Though operating separately, firms under the same umbrella should be controlled by sound centralized structures. The competitiveness of ABB became widely challenged due to minimal bureaucracy. With a compact structure, signals of failure become detected at early stages facilitating counter action. After handing over to Lindahl, the profitability reduced to making losses due to different management styles. Lindahl, however, acted like an economist by consolidating the market to areas which offered a competitive strategy. The new CEO concentrated on using the Asian markets where costs of production were low. The case explores how managers implementing the same strategy can embrace different roles. Barnevick’s focus relied on firm acquisition while Lindahl focused on labor intensive manufacture. The new leadership strategy once again increased the profitability of the conglomerate. Lindahl’s successful leadership was not satisfactory since the position was handed over to another CEO, Jorgen Centermann, who held the position of the Automation business. Centermann’s strategy focused on customer segments. Centermann can be noted as a modern manager due to the indulgence in the use of internet in the business. The strategy introduced, however, drove the firm back to making losses rather than propel it forward. All the CEO’s above relied of the global standardization in order to enhance competitiveness. A totally different perspective came into being with the replacement of Centermann with Dormann. This CEO did not have knowledge of the electrical engineering field like the previous CEO’s. Within a short period, Dormann was able to uncover the deficiencies in the firm and set out to eliminate them. With the keen leadership, the board became aware of various investments done for the firm under the leadership of Barnevick and Lindahl. The firm unearthed interests vested in assets such as jets and armored limousines. They also discovered that pension schemes set up in the past for the two CEO’

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Module 4 Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Module 4 Case - Assignment Example In order for the delivery cycle of the trucks to be regulated in a manner that utilizes time the best, the arrival time intervals are left as they are since the trucks are not be driven any faster to accomplish the need for better time management (Wilco, n.d.). Based on the principles of linear programming, it is required that the number of arrivals be provided with a more efficient unloading period such that more trucks can be unloaded at the same time. The current data indicates that the 83.333% capacity utilization is capable of providing room for a larger number of arrivals besides the current rate of 3.5. The issues facing the delivery system involve the underutilization of the system. Starting with the current single-server situation, The attached MS Excel file, single-server, shows that the maximum number of trucks that can be handled at a 95.89% is 22.374% out of a total number of 23.33% (see table 1). This data shows that at any given time during the working hours, 22.374% trucks will be waiting in a queue while a total of 23.33% will be accounted for. In order to achieve this score, the server takes into consideration the change in service rate from the current 4.2 to 3.65. The change in service rate amplifies the number of truck s serviced in an hour since the reduced servicing rate means more trucks can be unloaded in an hour. Based on the previous data, only 4.2 trucks can be unloaded in an hour and only 3.5 trucks are unloaded within the hour. This shows that reducing the servicing rate would require the reallocation of the servicing personnel as there are fewer trucks to unload unlike the number of arrivals. However, provided that various situations lead to the underutilization of capacity, the probabilities that 5, 6, and 7 trucks will be in queue at the same time takes three assumptions into account. Firstly, there are no changes in the arrival rate, 3.5 trucks per hour, and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Literature Search - Mental Illness Research Paper

Literature Search - Mental Illness - Research Paper Example A stressful home or job makes some individuals more vulnerable. It is important for nurses to have this understanding in order that they may develop the ability to assist mentally-ill persons. A larger number of people struggle with mental illness. According to studies, one in five people suffers mental illness in United States. Therefore, I chose mental illness as it is among the most common issues that nurses are likely to face. It is important for nurses to be acquitted with it so that they can offer assistance. There are various search strategies for uncovering pieces of information required in the web. The use of an appropriate strategy improves the results greatly. Most search engines have forms for entering keywords, a button for beginning the search, links to advanced search tools, special options, and features, and subject categories. Depending on the characteristics of the search tool, different search strategies can be used. They are the simple searching, complex searching, phrase searching, natural language searching, and default Boolean logic. I used different search strategies in the activity. In the search for an article in EBSCO host database, I used simple searching strategy. EBSCO host database has a platform for keywords. For example, when I was a searching for information about mental illness, I clicked the EBSCO host Web button, which linked me to others buttons. When I clicked the Academic Search Premier Button, I was given the platform to enter my keyword. On the form, I entered the words ‘mental illness’ and then clicked the search button. The search tool gave me 30 results out of a total of 534,497 results. However, when I scrolled through the results, I could not find the specific information I required. In order to get specific information, I placed the words ‘mental illness in children’ in the form. The search tool gave me 30 results from 236,889

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How will the global communication revolution impact on the development Essay

How will the global communication revolution impact on the development of fashion and fashion-related businesses in the future - Essay Example There are two especially widely used models of the communication revolution implications. The first is termed the "Golden Straightjacket," which has been popularized by Thomas Friedman, in which economic development is regarded as a primary driver to socio-political change. This is different from a parallel vision, popularized by Samuel Huntington, where as an outcome of culture, the "clash of civilizations", rather than economic development, is the primary driver to alter. "Rejecting both concepts as being somewhat too static, a third possibility exits in which economic unrest can take cultural forms, and that an over-emphasis on Western consumerism with hostility towards Westernized elites, can exacerbate even further the cultural dimensions of this conflict" (McChesney 2001) In looking at the convergence of cultural and economic stimuli to unrest, outgrowths of the communication revolution is regarded. In the globalization of information there are the following phenomena in play: In an attempt to explore further the intertwining of cultural and economic forces as part of the communication revolution, we can turn our attention to the "globalization of style." Here we may talk about a wide variety of entertainment products, brand and fashion names, and so forth. For example the globalization of style tends to be largely an American inspired phenomenon making the U.S. a particularly salient object of political resentment and dissent. Such products as Coca Cola, Dell, Baywatch, Google, Tommy Hilfiger and other commodities tend to be American in content and character, and the single largest national purveyor of the mentioned globalization of style is in most cases the United States, which may be challenged because of this reason. The extent to which English language literacy is synonymous with the globalization of information can be identified. That is the case not only in terms of hardware acquisition, installation or repair, but also in the world of software applications. The dominance of the English language in the global communication revolution is accompanied by what is termed the bombardment of Western images. The prevalence of Western images is tempting and frustrating at the same time, as it creates unattainable desires. Additionally the global information revolution has increased social stratification in which those most likely to participate most actively tend to have fluency in the English language, foreign bonds, and high degree of education. Thus, the communication revolution is a phenomenon that is often restricted to the business or political elite. Most people consider that only a limited group can afford to

Mandatory Nurse-Patient ratios in Pennsylvania Essay

Mandatory Nurse-Patient ratios in Pennsylvania - Essay Example One-half of the nurse staffing committee members should be registered nurses currently delivering direct patient care and the rest of the members may be determined by the hospital administration (ARON, 2013). The committee is authorized by the house bill to consider matters such as competencies of the nurses and patients’ acuity. In addition to nurse-patient ratios, this bill also addresses several other concerns including intensity of care, staff skills mix, availability of support staff in the shift, and the physical environment. Michael and Page (2010) state that nurse staff shortage or understaffing has been a major issue leading to medical negligence, clinical errors, and poor quality healthcare (p.102). To illustrate, a study published in 2002 found that surgery patients in hospitals with high nurse-patient ratios are at 31% increased risk of mortality. Similarly, a report released by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality indicated that improvement in nurse-patient ratios can decrease rescue failures and hospital stays. A research work published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2005 (as cited in Conis, 2009) suggested that an improved nurse-patient ratio of 1:4 could save up to 72,000 lives a year. Long working schedules, inflexible work shifts, and work overload often force professional nurses to consider leaving the profession. A recent study by Okrent (2012) indicated that roughly 45% of the nurses planned to make major career changes over the next three years. It is dreadful to no te that a significant percent of the current nursing workforce considers professions outside nursing. This adverse situation justifies the need of implementing a nursing policy that would better regulate nurse staffing ratios in the country and thereby contribute to staff satisfaction. Statistical evidences suggest that hospitals incur huge nurse turnover

Monday, July 22, 2019

DNA - Modified Food Essay Example for Free

DNA Modified Food Essay Some vegetarians do not prefer to consume genetically modified vegetables or food products because they contain other genes which they have no idea about. The consumers find these genes unsafe for their health. The people must have the knowledge that the addition of these genes into the plants is done only to give them a better food product, but it’s therefore important to label genetically modified foods because it enables the consumer to determine and know the right choice of food information that is needed. Genetic modification is the technology by which the genetic makeup of the living organism such as plants and animals bacteria is changed. Thus the resultant organism is called genetically modified, genetic engineered or transgenic. Source citation (http://www. ext. colostate. edu/pubs/foodnut/09371. html). First of all Consumers have a right to know what’s in their food, especially concerning products for which health and environmental concerns have been raised, this I think is one of the most important reason why individuals will prefer the labeling of genetically modified food, and also to know the condition of the environment of which the product was made from weather is a place with good sanitation or not. Mandatory labeling will allow consumers to identify and steer clear of food products that cause them problems because some people who with medical problems or allergic to some product will have to know before using them in order not to get themselves in trouble or contracting any form of diseases Surveys indicate that a majority of Americans support mandatory labeling. (However, such surveys often do not specify the effect on food prices.) Least 21 countries and the European Union have established some form of mandatory labeling source citation (Gruere and Rao, 2007; Phillips and McNeill, 2000) For religious or ethical reasons, many Americans want to avoid eating animal products, including animal DNA. For example some religious beliefs enact laws for people to avoid eating some certain products due to this labeling of genetically modified food will help consumers know the right choice of product to consume example are the jewish and the buddist.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reflecting And Refracting Telescopes

Reflecting And Refracting Telescopes The telescopes invention is often pegged in 1608 with the award of a patent to Lippershey by the States-General, the name for parliament in the Netherlands. However, an Englishman, Thomas Harriott constructed an early, low-power version of the telescope and used it in August 1609 to observe the Moon, at the same time when Galileo presented a similar small instrument to the Venetian Senate. Galileo undertook his own serious observations in October or November of that same year with a larger telescope. Hans Lippershey , a Dutch eyeglass manufacturer,is most often associated with the invention of the telescope. Lippershey was awarded a patent for his device in October 1608 by the parliament in the Netherlands.Credit for the invention of the telescope is also extended to Jacob Metius, a Dutch optician, though he was reluctant to allow the Dutch parliament to review his patent claim and even prohibited anyone from seeing his device. Despite his reluctance, Metius was eventually awarded a small sum from parliament, also in 1608, when he applied for a patent on his device a few weeks after Lippershey.However, the Dutch parliament only allowed Lippershey to construct a binocular version of his telescope. So, Lippershey is also the inventor of the binocular! ( note: Galileo Galilei did not invent the telescope!) TELESCOPE DIMENSIONS Aperture: The diameter of the primary mirror or lens. This determines the limiting magnitude and the angular resolution. Focal Length: The length it takes the light to converge to a single point. A smaller focal length increases magnification and brightness, whereas a longer focal length has the opposite effect. This makes a difference only for extended objects, not stars. Magnifying Power: (focal length of eyepiece)/(focal length of telescope). F/Ratio: (focal length of telescope)/aperture. A ratio of 8 is written f/8. Focal Plane: The plane perpendicular to the point of convergence. PARAMETERS OF TELESCOPE The utility of a telescope depends on its ability to collect large quantities of light and to resolve fine details. The brightness of an image is proportional to the area of the light-gathering element, which is proportional to the square of that elements aperture. The brightness also depends on the area over which the image is spread. This area is inversely proportional to the square of the focal length (f) of the lens. The brightness of the image therefore depends on the square of the f/ratio, just as in an ordinary camera. The resolving power of a telescope depends on the diameter of the aperture and the wavelength observed; the larger the diameter, the smaller the detail that can be resolved. TYPES OF TELESCOPES We will be primarily concerned with optical telescopes which have two basic subdivisions: Refracting Telescopes: Refraction works on the principle that light has different bending properties in different media (glass,water, air, etc.). Refracting Telescopes use a glass lens to cause the convergence of the light. Reflecting Telescopes: Reflecting telescopes use mirrors (concave or convex) to direct incoming light to converge to a point. REFRACTING TELESCOPES Small refracting telescopes are used in binoculars, cameras, gunsights, galvanometers, periscopes, surveying instruments, rangefinders, astronomical telescopes, and a great variety of other devices. Parallel or nearly parallel light from the distant object enters from the left, and the objective lens forms an inverted image of it . The inverted image is viewed with the aid of a second lens, called the eyepiece. The eyepiece is adjusted (focused) to form a parallel bundle of rays so that the image of the object may be viewed by the eye without strain. The objective lens is typically compound; that is, it is made up of two or more pieces of glass, of different types, designed to correct for aberrations such as chromatic aberration. To construct a visual refractor, a lens is placed beyond the images formed by the objective and viewed with the eye. To construct a photographic refractor or simply a camera, a photographic plate is placed at the position of the image. Simplified optical diagram of a refracting telescope. Refracting optical system used to photograph a star field. Generally, refracting telescopes are used in applications where great magnification is required, namely, in planetary studies and in astrometry, the measurement of star positions and motions. However, this practice is changing, and the traditional roles of refractors are being carried out effectively by a few reflecting telescopes, in part because of effective limitations on the size of refracting telescopes. A refractor lens must be relatively thin to avoid excessive absorption of light in the glass. On the other hand,the lens can be supported only around its edge and thus is subject to sagging distortions that change as the telescope is pointed from the horizon to the zenith; thus its thickness must be great enough to give it mechanical rigidity. An effective compromise between these two demands is extremely difficult, making larger refractors unfeasible. The largest refracting telescope is the 1-m (40-in.) telescope-built over a century ago-at Yerkes Observatory. This size is about the limit for optical glass lenses. REFLECTING TELESCOPES The principal optical element, or objective, of a reflecting telescope is a mirror. The mirror forms an image of a celestial object (Fig. 3) which is then examined with an eyepiece, photographed, or studied in some other manner. Viewing a star with a reflecting telescope. In this configuration, the observer may block the mirror unless it is a very large telescope. Reflecting telescopes generally do not suffer from the size limitations of refracting telescopes. The mirrors in these telescopes can be as thick as necessary and can be supported by mechanisms that prevent sagging and thus inhibit excessive distortion. In addition, mirror materials having vanishingly small expansion coefficients, together with ribbing techniques that allow rapid equalization of thermal gradients in a mirror, have eliminated the major thermal problems plaguing telescope mirrors. Some advanced reflecting telescopes use segmented mirrors, composed of many separate pieces. By using a second mirror (and even a third one, in some telescopes), the optical path in a reflector can be folded back on itself, permitting a long focal length to be attained with an instrument housed in a short tube. A short tube can be held by a smaller mounting system and can be housed in a smaller dome than a long-tube refractor. DERIVATIONS IN TELESCOPE Two fundamentally different types of telescopes exist; both are designed to aid in viewing distant objects, such as the planets in our Solar System. The refracting telescope uses a combination of lenses to form an image, and the reflecting telescope uses a curved mirror and a lens.The lens combination shown in Figure is that of a refracting telescope. Like the compound microscope, this telescope has an objective and an eyepiece. The two lenses are arranged so that the objective forms a real, inverted image of a distant object very near the focal point of the eyepiece. Because the object is essentially at infinity, this point at which I 1 forms is the focal point of the objective. The eyepiece then forms, at I 2, an enlarged, inverted image of the image at I 1. In order to provide the largest possible magnification, the image distance for the eyepiece is infinite. This means that the light rays exit the eyepiece lens parallel to the principal axis, and the image of the objective lens must form at the focal point of the eyepiece. Hence, the two lenses are separated by a distance fo + fe , which corresponds to the length of the telescope tube. The angular magnification of the telescope is given by à °Ã‚ Ã…“ ½/à °Ã‚ Ã…“ ½o, where à °Ã‚ Ã…“ ½o is the angle subtended by the object at the objective and à °Ã‚ Ã…“ ½ is the angle subtended by the final image at the viewers eye. Consider Figure, in which the object is a very great distance to the left of the figure. The angle à °Ã‚ Ã…“ ½o (to the left of the objective) subtended by the object at the objective is the same as the angle (to the right of the objective) subtended by the first image at the objective. Thus, tan à °Ã‚ Ã…“ ½o= à °Ã‚ Ã…“ ½o= -h/f o where the negative sign indicates that the image is inverted. The angle à °Ã‚ Ã…“ ½ subtended by the final image at the eye is the same as the angle that a ray coming from the tip of I1 and traveling parallel to the principal axis makes with the principal axis after it passes through the lens. Thus, tan à °Ã‚ Ã…“ ½=à °Ã‚ Ã…“ ½=h/fe We have not used a negative sign in this equation because the final image is not inverted; the object creating this final image I2 is I1, and both it and I2 point in the same direction. Hence, the angular magnification of the telescope can be expressed as m= à °Ã‚ Ã…“ ½/à °Ã‚ Ã…“ ½o=h/fe /-h/fo=-fo/fe and we see that the angular magnification of a telescope equals the ratio of the objective focal length to the eyepiece focal length. The negative sign indicates that the image is inverted.When we look through a telescope at such relatively nearby objects as the Moon and the planets, magnification is important. However, individual stars in our galaxy are so far away that they always appear as small points of light no matter how great the magnification. A large research telescope that is used to study very distant objects must have a great diameter to gather as much light as possible. It is difficult and expensive to manufacture large lenses for refracting telescopes. Another difficulty with large lenses is that their weight leads to sagging, which is an additional source of aberration. These problems can be partially overcome by replacing the objective with a concave mirror, which results in a reflecting telescope. Because light is reflected from the mirror and does not pass through a lens, the mirror can have rigid supports on the back side. Such supports eliminate the problem of sagging. Figure shows the design for a typical reflecting telescope. Incoming light rays pass down the barrel of the telescope and are reflected by a parabolic mirror at the base. These rays converge toward point A in the figure, where an image would be formed. However, before this image is formed, a small, flat mirror M reflects the light toward an opening in the side of the tube that passes into an eyepiece. This particular design is said to have a Newtonian focus because Newton developed it. Above figure shows such a telescope. Note that in the reflecting telescope the light never passes through glass (except through the small eyepiece). As a result, problems associated with chromatic aberration are virtually eliminated. The reflecting telescope can be made even shorter by orienting the flat mirror so that it reflects the light back toward the objective mirror and the light enters an eyepiece in a hole in the middle of the mirror. LIMITATIONS For many applications, the Earths atmosphere limits the effectiveness of larger telescopes. The most obvious deleterious effect is image scintillation and motion, collectively known as poor seeing. Atmospheric turbulence produces an extremely rapid motion of the image resulting in a smearing. On the very best nights at ideal observing sites, the image of a star will be spread out over a 0.25-arcsecond seeing disk; on an average night, the seeing disk may be between 0.5 and 2.0 arcseconds. It has been demonstrated that most of the air currents that cause poor seeing occur within the observatory buildings themselves. Substantial improvements in seeing have been achieved by modern design of observatory structures. The upper atmosphere glows faintly because of the constant influx of charged particles from the Sun. This airglow adds a background exposure or fog to photographic plates that depends on the length of the exposure and the speed (f/ratio) of the telescope. The combination of the finite size of the seeing disk of stars and the presence of airglow limits the telescopes ability to see faint objects. One solution is placing a large telescope in orbit above the atmosphere. In practice, the effects of air and light pollution outweigh those of airglow at most observatories in the United States.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Gertrude: The Tragic Heroine of Shakespeares Hamlet Essay example -- G

Gertrude: The Tragic Heroine of Hamlet    Hamlet is perhaps English literature's most renowned play; a masterwork by the greatest of all masters, Shakespeare, from its very appearance Hamlet has not ceased to delight audiences and confound spectators. The complexity of the main character, prince Hamlet, is so vast that all who have attempted to decipher his character fulsomely have failed. Amidst his own grandeur, Hamlet makes the other characters pale. As they blur into literary oblivion due to the magnetism of the central character, other characters are often disregarded as one-dimensional and are not done sufficient justice. Gertrude, victim of Hamlet's virulent verbal abuse, is often seen through the bitter eyes of her son and thus her true character is seldom recognized. However, Shakespeare, incapable of mediocrity, instilled in Gertrude more complexity than simple analysis might yield. He bestowed her the appearance of an unscrupulous woman, one for whom shame is a stranger and who acts guided solely by her carnal des ires; furthermore, she gives signs of being a frivolous queen, one who occupies her mind in simple contemplations, and for whom profound matters are inaccessible. Finally, he made her seem an insensitive mother incapable of empathy for her son's grief and oblivious to true sensibility. Nonetheless, it is Gertrude's desire for reconcilement and her need to avoid conflict that make her appear an unscrupulous woman, a frivolous Queen and an insensitive mother.    Certainly the most widespread opinion regarding Gertrude is that she is an unscrupulous woman; however, it is her desire for reconcilement and her need to avoid conflict that make her appear unscrupulous.   With all the force of his first soliloquy... ... tragic flaw was no other than the innocent desire for reconcilement and her too human need to avoid conflict. In Hamlet's own words, this seems the very essence of veracity, "what a piece of work is man! how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties!"   and yet, how solitary and uncomprehended; how quick to condemn, how reluctant to forgive and in doing so how like a Greek God, and how, so beautifully and fallibly human.   Bibliography 1. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Folger Library. Edited by Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. LaMar Washington, Washington Square Press Publication, 1958. 2. "Gertrude in Hamlet" Date accessed 02/25/2003) 3. Mabillard, Amanda. Shakespeare's Gertrude. Shakespeare Online. 2000. (03/25/2003)

Essay --

Fight for your life More times than not people take their life for granted and never think twice about it. Life changes right before you, often times you don't get a warning sign or a flashing caution lights, screaming† watch out.† Sometimes there is nothing you can do to prevent life from hitting you like a five ton semi truck. You find your true strength only when being strong is the only choice you have. Waking up to half of your hair, now laying on your pillow, no longer attached to you. Struggling to pull your weak, fragile self out of bed, you must run to the bathroom because you are nauseated, yet you have no strength to actually get yourself there. Excruciating pain , uncomfortable , no energy and very weak. Not every day is like this , but majority of them seem to be . It feels as if there is a demon trapped inside you an enemy, something I cannot explain, sucking the life right out of me. Looking in the mirror a stranger stares back at me, Pale skin, bald head, fragile, girl who looks diseased, sickly and almost inhuman. I did not always look like this; I was once a very beautiful, fair skinned girl with long blonde hair. It not only changes your appearance but it changes your entire life. Undergoing countless scans , tests that seem never ending, lights flashing , machines beeping ., needles jabbing your already bruised arms. Sitting through four sometime's five hours of chemotherapy , while hooked up to countless bags of medicine being shot through your veins. Surgery after surgery, praying you will wake up after this one and praying this will be the last. It is a long dark scary road to recovery and many do not make that journey. My entire world changed with the b... ...ught if I could touch just one cancer patients life it would mean the world to me. I have now worked with cancer patients for many years, shared my experience and helped others through their journey down the long dark scary road to recovery. I have touched many lives ,some who remain in this world and have survived and many who have lost their battle while traveling the long dark road. I have helped spread awareness and have given many hope. Truth is many of us take life for granted, only until we face death head on. Life changes as fast as you can blink. Stop, slow down and enjoy your life . Dont let the small disasters stress you out . Cherish every second you are given because waking up tomorrow is never guaranteed. Count your blessings daily , instead of focusing on what you don't have. In a split second your life could come to a screeching halt.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Free Hamlet Essays: An Eye for an Eye :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays

An Eye for an Eye in Hamlet  Ã‚   Claudius is justly punished for the murder of king Hamlet. The punishment fits the crime because his brother's son killed him. King Hamlet killed by the brother killed by the king's son. He was murdered. It was pay back, "what goes around comes around" "an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth" What these two quotes are mainly saying is that you get what you give. Claudius took his brothers life therefore his life was taken away. Not only did Claudius kill his brother to marry his wife and take over his throne, but he caused the deaths of the queen, king Hamlet, Polonius and Ophelia. Hamlet was told by the ghost of king hamlet to get back at Claudius for his death, or his soul will travel on earth forever. Even before hamlet knew about Claudius killing his father he had problems. It made hamlet mad that his mother would marry so fast and with his uncle. What Claudius did was an outrageous, back stabbing, and unbelievable thing. It was clearly an act of jealousy for his brother's throne and the wife. Claudius did pay back for his actions. Claudius lost his wife, his messenger, and died and even after his death kept loosing because he lost his castle to Fortinbras. Not only was Claudius punished by Hamlet but "God" also punished him. The reason that God punished Claudius, is because everyone he cared for and who helped him died. Polonius and Queen Gertrude. Polonius was killed by hamlet, when hamlet thought that he had killed the king. Claudius killed queen Gertrude with the poison whine that he had prepared for hamlet. He killed the one he loved instead of the one he wanted to kill. Claudius was even punished after death. His throne and whole castle was taken over by Fortinbras. Not only where his wife and friend dead, but he later died himself by his brother's son. Claudius killed and his turn to die came, but it took some time and other people to die too. Claudius was punished for the queen's death because although he did not intentionally mean to kill her, he watched her drink the poison that he had prepared for hamlet. He knew that she was going to die, but he didn't say anything because he was all for himself.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Advanced Project Procurement

With the increased globalization, competition and complexity in global supply chains, more companies have realized that supply chain management is critical to the optimal organizations overall operation. It is not longer just the responsibility of the warehouse manager and logistics director. In the past, many organizations didn’t manage their supply chains they left that up to the suppliers. Usually the supply chain planning, marketing, production and inventory management in most organizations operated as separate departments (Stevenson, 2009). Businesses have recognized the strategic importance and the need for effect and efficient supply chains in operations management (Stevenson, 2009). Assessment As Vice President of Operation my assessment of the battery shortage problem is that SDX are not fulfilling their obligation under the contract. The contract states â€Å"the supplier is expected to achieve a 100 percent service rate† (Benton, p. 456). The current supply of batteries is a 20-day supply this is 70 days short the supply when normal should be a 90 day supply. There has not been a shipment in two months this lead me to believe that SDX are not making Butler a priority shipment. The action taken is to request a meeting with the attorneys to review the contract, because at this point it is a breach in contract. The contract also states that the product prices are fixed for the term of the agreement and a sixty day notice must be given before a price change can occur. SDX did not notify the Butler Operations to alert us of this change. Therefore, this is another breach in contract the SDX company has determine on its own that the contract is null and void. This is not good business practice and creates a problem with Butler’s ability to supply the customer base effectively. Buyer Selection Purchasing involves buying the raw materials, supplies, and components for the organization. The activities associated with it include selecting and qualifying suppliers, rating supplier performance, negotiating contracts, comparing price, quality and service, sourcing. A key and perhaps the most important process of the purchasing function is the efficient selection of suppliers, because it brings significant savings for the organization. The objective of the supplier selection process is to reduce risk and maximize the total value for the buyer, and it involves considering a series of strategic variables. Conclusion In conclusion, focusing on selecting only the best suppliers possible will make a major contribution to the competitiveness of the entire organization. This main task requires careful evaluation, selection, and continuous measurement of the suppliers that provide the goods and services that help satisfy the needs of an organization’s final customers. In other words, once a supplier is selected, the focus must shift from supplier evaluation to the continuous measurement of supplier performance. An organization must have the tools to measure, manage, and develop the performance of its supply base.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Silence: Silence: a Thirteenth-Century French Romance

The generator begins Silence by c exclusivelying himself Master Heldris of Cornwall and saying his inclination non to have his work fiesta among wealthy race who dont know how to appreciate it. He interests to them as the kind of populate, which clearly shows his ostracize attitude toward those who he describes as plundering m wizy much than than remark, or want to hear everything but do not c ar to make a man happy with some rejoin they might wish to give.The phrasal idiom at the beginning of the work, or originally I begin to class my story are repeated cardinal times throughout the spring nonpareil at the start, wiz at the center, and one at the residue full before the source starts telling the story. This, together with rugged rowing such as domination, request, repeatedly reminds the readers of the writers demand to preserve his work and of his wooden-headed villainy toward grabby people. The writers strong tactile sensationing against avaricious m anpower is expressed clearly I feel tremendously compelled, stung, goaded into talking close to this, and It bothers me terribly.Several different negative words and phrases are also used to translate those people throughout the text greedy, nasty, petty, fools, uplift with greed, those hateful men. He tells problems relating to those people from the perspective of a poet serve them well, as if they were your father then you w sick of(p) be close to welcome, judge a hunky-dory minstrel, well-received, or very bad prompt and a sour face, thats what youll evermore get from them when you ask for something. The bitterness in each sentence and the clear explanations shows that the writer seems to have experienced those problems himself.He disgusts greedy people and views them as pathetic creatures that have a dreadful life as they refine to pile up wealth and and afraid(predicate) of losing it a man afraid is not at peace he is miserable and ill at ease. riches only makes a man mean-spirited and makes him weary without profit. All he does is soil himself niggardly men rob world of all pleasure, and lost their trust in everyone, even their own wives he doesnt want her spend either of it, for one missing penny would mar the graven image of those thousands label he lost sopor over.The writer emphasizes that owning property does not make life easier nor brings one any joy and festivity if one do not know how to use and allocate it chicly lost sleep, ill, miserable, stingy. Capitalizing Avarice, the writer refer to Avarice as a sober goddess who traps fools in her maze of wealth, let them honor her as their sovereign lady and puckish nurse, but betrays them, leaves them drunk and intoxicated and driven to disgrace themselves. While hating those fools, the writer is seriously concerned and cry O greedy people, alas las . He repeatedly refer to the locked away wealth as disgrace, dishearten, and even a dirty substance guck. study unused wealth an d dung, he nurture devalues property at least dung enriches the soils, temporary hookup greedy men handle this earthy life and enclosed their courts with shame forever. Dung is often referred to as dirty and expenditureless, yet it has a perish that benefits the planet, while wealth, often related to luxuriousness and enjoyment, neither brings comfort to its owner nor deviate the world positively at all.Several comparisons are also used near the end of the opening to address the same gunpoint assets are worth less than muck up honorable as wheat is worth more than weeds, rose more than daisy, goshawk more than falcon more than buzzard, good wine than stagnant water, bittern than magpie, and most of all honest poverty is of greater worth than a thousand marks without joys and festivity. The comparisons start from small plants to birds to the briny(prenominal) subjects honest poverty versus useless wealth.This proves that wealth and greed are inferior and shameful, while pr aises generosity as superior and honorable. At the end of the opening, after all the hatred has been expressed, the writer says he now abide begin his story without a volume of fuss and bother. Since the overall root of the story relate to property and the problems relating to the right to own it, it appears that the writer does not just simply tell us his feeling toward greed and wealth but his main goal is to prepare us with a basic background of the story.The transition from the opening to the story is thus smoother. The story begins with the description of King Evan as a wise king who maintained peace in his land and apply strict rules to get wind his people. What King Evan has is wealth, power and respect so obviously troubles are unavoidable. This obviously connects to the understructure mentioned in the opening, therefore, readers can catch up with the story more easily.

Self Reflection Mbti Type

Self Reflection Myers-Briggs emblem Indicator Christopher Wright Seton Hill University Principles of Management, SBU 180-98, ADP Session 2 Lyzona Marshall, 10/15/12 Who are ENTJs? ENTJs are one of sixteen character types, making up about 3-5 percent of the American public. ENTJs are Extroverts, Intuitive, thinking, Judging personality types. They bleed to be natural leading, who make decisions based upon quarry analysis, weigh pros versus cons, arriving at logical decisions.They often hold opinions, messages, showions, plans, and goals clearly. ENTJs like to get right to the purport without any unnecessary outside noise. Business leaders who are ENTJs are effective in communicating the companys goals and direction, stackting the trite by which expectations are measured. These types of leaders think whacking picture, what is going to happen in future and how do I need to plan for it, not getting caught up in the now.What do the letters ENTJ retrieve and what are the assoc iated pros and cons with the individual letters as a manager? E Extrovert. An extrovert could excel in negotiation, while they could be a hindrance in conflict resolution. N Intuitive. Intuitive thinkers would help in business development but would slow vote out analyzing financial statements. T Thinking. Thinking types would help in analyzing headcount to cost ratio but would freeze discussion in performance reviews with employees. J Judging.Judging types would value business expansion or project solicitude but would interfere with analyzing costs. Some additional pros and cons associated with ENTJs are critical thinkers, planners (plan for everything, including back up plans), direct headed (ability to stay calm in a crisis or stressful situations), calculated risk takers, orderly, self relate or arrogant, trouble expressing affection, opinionated or stubborn, set unrealistic expectations, hasty decision making, critical of incompetency or inefficiency, not free with co mpliments.An ENTJ is a leader, direct approach type. They are big picture thinkers, call potential problems, and create a plan to change those problems. However, ENTJs must develop their Intuitive and Thinking skills or they run the risk of not existence able to apply logic to their ideas. This could lead an ENTJ to give way dictatorial and abrasive.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ecological niche From Wikipedia

bionomic street corner From Wikipedia, the bighearted encyclopedia pass over to navigation, try erosive smokers pull in ecologic respites with their out-of-the- itinerary milieu In ecology, a corner (CanE, UK /? ni / or US /? n? t? /)1 is a bourn describing the fashion of vivification of a species. distributively species is mind to be deliver a separate, bizarre recessional. The bionomic bionomical receding describes how an being or people responds to the scattering of re generators and competitors (e. g. , by outgrowth when resources argon abundant, and when predators, parasites and pathogens atomic number 18 scarce) and how it in childs play alters those kindred factors (e. . , qualifying price of admission to resources by an an opposite(prenominal)(prenominal) organisms, performing as a nutriment source for predators and a con center fielder of prey). 2 The legal age of species cost in a caseful ecologic deferral. A promethium drill of a non- exemplar bionomic receding cream species is the flight slight, estate-dwelling kiwi fruit shuttle of parvenue Zealand, which exists on worms, and separate ground peckers, and lives its life story in a mammalian time out. Island biogeography move suspensor beg off island species and associated cater nooks.Contentshide * 1 Grinnellian recession * 2 Eltonian respite * 3 Hutchinsonian break * 4 Parameters * 5 travel to as well as * 6 References * 7 international relate edit Grinnellian bionomical ceding masking The discourse receding is derived from the shopping centre French backchat nookr, kernel to nest. The verge was coined by the naturalist Joseph Grinnell in 1917, in his written report The time out relationships of the atomic number 20 thresher. 3 The Grinnellian time out supposition embodies the fancy that the turning point of a species is situated by the home ground in which it lives. In separate words, the recess is the sum of the home ground requirements that accept a species to hold up and nurture offspring.For example, the bearing of the atomic number 20 Thrasher is reconciled with the bush habitat it lives init breeds and feeds in the underwood and escapes from its predators by walk from undergrowth to underbrush. This perspective of time out allows for the world of bionomical equivalents and alike drop off deferrals. For example, the genus genus Anolis lizards of the greater Antilles argon a dis occasiond example of focussed evolution, adjustive radiation, and the worldly concern of ecologic equivalents the Anolis lizards evolved in alike microhabitats ndep stamp outently of separately separate and passed in the equal ecomorphs crosswise all 4 islands. edit Eltonian corner In 1927 Charles Sutherland Elton, a British ecologist, gave the maiden work commentary of the street corner concept. He is impute with formula When an ecologist says thither goes a badger, he should accept in his thoughts whatever definite judgement of the animals pose in the union to which it belongs, adept as if he had said, thither goes the vicar. 4 The Eltonian deferral encompasses the estimation that the nook is the place a species plays in a community, or else than a habitat. edit Hutchinsonian street corner Squirrels in exoteric put whitethorn postulate a opposite ecologic corner than those with less guideer contact. The Hutchinsonian break views corner as an n-dimensional hypervolume, where the dimensions atomic number 18 environmental conditions and the resources that learn the requirements of an respective(prenominal) or a species to do its way of life. The deferral concept was popularized by the animal scientist G. Evelyn Hutchinson in 1957. 5 Hutchinson precious to drive in wherefore in that respect be so umpteen variant types of organisms in any wizard habitat.An organism disengage of tour of duty from new(prenominal ) species could use the liberal trim of conditions (biotic and abiotic) and resources in which it could persist and upchuck which is called its radical niche. However, as a result of push from, and interactions with, other organisms (i. e. inter- discovericular proposition competition) species ar unremarkably labored to overrun a niche that is narrower than this, and to which they atomic number 18 by and large passing adapted. This is terminalinal figureed the cognise niche. The ecologic niche has as well been termed by G. Evelyn Hutchinson a hypervolume. This term defines the multi-dimensional stead of resources (e. . , light, nutrients, structure, etc. ) uncommitted to (and specifically employ by) organisms. The term adaptive regulate was coined by the paleontologist, George Gaylord Simpson, and refers to a brand of ecologic niches that whitethorn be meshed by a free radical of species that use the comparable resources in a analogous manner. (Simpso n, 1944 after(prenominal) Root, 1967. )citation necessitateed Hutchinsons niche (a description of the bionomical berth assiduous by a species) is subtly diametric from the niche as define by Grinnell (an ecological role, that may or may non be in reality pick out up by a species check va so-and-sot niches).unlike species piece of assnot make the kindred nichecitation needed. A niche is a in truth specific separate of ecospace in use(p) by a angiotensin converting enzyme species. Species can flat helping a elan of life or autecological strategy which ar broader definitions of ecospace. 6 For example, Australian grasslands species, though opposite from those of the enceinte Plains grasslands, troop homogeneous modes of life. 7 one time a niche is left(p) unemployed, other organisms can fill that position.For example, the niche that was left vacant by the liquidation of the tarpan has been modify by other animals (in particular a roundhearted cavalr y breed, the konik). Also, when institutes and animals atomic number 18 introduced into a rude(a) environment, they have the dominance to affiance or beset the niche or niches of internal organisms, frequently outcompeting the endemic species. insane asylum of non-indigenous species to non-native habitats by man lots results in biological pollution by the foreign or trespassing(a) species.The mathematical prototype of a species primaeval niche in ecological space, and its ensuant riddance back into geographical space, is the field of study of niche modelling. 8 What is the ecological niche of a woodlouse? InInsects Edit categories make the slaters lives in no-count places. inlet pee by eatting feed ramble This react f number Hutt College year 13 biota slater charter acquisition standard biology 3. 1 creation to look into In this investigation of the ecological niche of the woodlouse, I chose to trial the enumerate of speck wet that the slat ers tend to prefer.I chose this aspect, as wet is a critical part in the natural selection of this sensitive creature. internet sources provided culture of the woodlice that shows that they ar from crustaceous crepuscle and erstwhile aquatic even though straightway they argon sublunary quite than irrigate dwelling. slaters atomic number 18 in general nominate in moist, drab places with decomposing plant matter. cipher slater plat From two diagrams it is shown the arena of the slaters lungs are closelipped the annul end of the woodlouse and located in spite of appearance the pleopod, these are where the gills are hiding.The Slater is a creature that receives its oxygen finished wet in its surroundings, which is why I chose to do an look into on moisture and in which repay of weewee is roughly accommodate to their pick and not a threat. The woodlouse likewise has no tensile degree on its dust which government agency vapor is easily compared to other bugs, this is some other basis why the slater need moisture in its environment. luff The mother of this investigation is to test employ woodlice and test on which bill of body politic moisture they prefer. schemeI see that the more(prenominal) ground moisture at that place is, the more slaters allow be prepare in that area. self-directed changeable The self-governing variable quantity of this try volition be the lionize down of piss that is to be added to the soil. This variable lead be measured utilise millilitres and a hail cup. The crease of value for this go away be 0mls, 25mls, 50mls, 75mls and 100mls. To keep this test as handsome and consummate as possible, the wet provide be the bring amount of money by myself getting down to warmheartedness direct and burbly the urine in critical amounts to get the minute amount of water needed. low-level inconsistent